Home Forums ADR Racing (AU) Trademark Triumph: LLC Secures Legal Protection in the USA

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  • christircouchc
    Post count: 3

    The next step in the process was the publication of the trademark in the USPTO’s Official Gazette, a weekly publication that gives the public an opportunity to oppose the registration of the trademark. During this 30-day opposition period, any third party who believed they would be harmed by the registration could file an opposition. Fortunately for ABC Innovations, no opposition was filed, allowing the best trademark registration agency to proceed to the final registration phase. Upon successful completion of the opposition period, the USPTO issued a Notice of Allowance, signaling that the trademark was approved for registration. ABC Innovations was then required to submit a Statement of Use, proving that the trademark was being used in commerce. This step is crucial as the USPTO mandates that trademarks must be actively used in the marketplace to maintain their registration. The company provided evidence of the trademark’s use in their marketing materials, product packaging, and online presence.

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